Monday, February 2, 2009

Retrenchment in Citibank (Malaysia) Thus Have Worse Service

Malaysia has a different proposition in the sense that all foreign banks have to be incorporated in Malaysia (not a direct subsidiary from its mother bank in oversea). However this doesn't shelther Citibank from its mother bank's losses from subprime crisis in US.
Citibank has been doing well infact better from other local banks in Malaysia. However from this crisis, its among the foreign banks which is experiencing retrenchment. I am one big fan of Citibank's credit card. However recently i realise that the customer service level has worsen by large.
There are some hickups in delivering the replacement credit card to me as there is matter of old address etc. However there is no effort to continue verifying this matter despite after my complaints. Finally i end up not having any credit card to use after the expiry of my Citibank credit card. Such case is the first time happening to me despite myself owning credit cards from all major banks in Malaysia.
Secondly, since the credit card is "reissued", my e-banking account is automatically terminated without any notification. This is because the new card has a new credit card number. I am again surprise how come no one notify me about this matter? I appreciate if the customer service officer will notify me when they called me to inform me that i'll be getting a card with different credit card number.
Finally, I sent an email enquire about their credit card promotion. By now it has been more than 20 days since they last reply to me that they are looking into this matter. Its dissapointing that they are not able to revert by now.
During bad market, there are such company that willing to forgo "less profitable customer" in order to maximise the profit margin with the current work force that they have. Perhaps i fall into such category? I'm wondering if Platinum card holder from this bank also face the same problem as me?