Thursday, October 30, 2008

100 Quotes Of The Day

When I was working in Alliance Investment Bank, I remember an ex-colleague of mine, sent me below. Some are pretty nice and I still keep it till today. Hope to share with you all.

1. I'm not getting paid much for staying alive but it's good experience.
2. I think I’ll just sit here and wait till life gets easier.
3. I'm writing to tell you I have nothing to say.
4. I happened to see you passing through my life, so I thought I’d love you.
5. Are we still friends? Or don't you know either?
6. Consider yourself thanked.
7. If you can't keep in sight, at least keep in touch.
8. Regardless of the date, I’m glad you were born.
9. I'm just moving clouds today - tomorrow I’ll try mountains.
10. If you're looking for a friend, I’d like to apply.
11. Please don't ask me what the score is - I’m not even sure what game we're playing.
12. When all else fails, eat!
13. My life has a superb cast, but I can't figure out the plot.
14. I may not be easy to reach, but I may be worth it.
15. Your illness license has expired: report back to health immediately.
16. A large percentage of me likes a large percentage of you.
17. I don't need a great deal of love, but I do need a steady supply.
18. Appreciate me now and avoid the rush.
19. Reports of my being alive and well have been grossly exaggerated.
20. It would be nice to see you again - and again.
21. Anything is good if it's made of chocolate.
22. Isn't it a nice coincidence that you and I are both alive at the same time!
23. All I want is a little more than I’ll ever get.
24. There's a hungry mailbox down the street - please feed it something for me.
25. Why don't you write, and give me a chance not to reply?
26. Single-handedly, I have fought my way into this hopeless mess.
27. To whom it may concern: you are a very special person.
28. I don't wish to appear overly inquisitive, but are you still alive?
29. I'm looking for the perfect pillow - I think it's somewhere near yours.
30. I'm sorry for not communicating, but sometimes it's very hard to write on a moving planet.
31. I may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent.
32. "Please reconsider - it's so hard to take ""go to hell"" for an answer."
33. Any day is a good day to have a mother.
34. I waited and waited, and when no message came, I knew it must be from you.
35. I feel much better, now that I’ve given up hope.
36. I, for one, am longing to feel your hot breath on my neck.
37. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and, whatever you hit, call it the target.
38. Please don't tell me to relax - it's only my tension that's holding me together.
39. I always know the right thing to say, after the right time to say it has passed.
40. Somehow, in my busy life, I am finding time to miss you.
41. Help improve my appearance - I’m much better-looking when I’ve been hugged.
42. I don't have any solution, but I certainly admire the problem.
43. If God had approved of the metric system, he'd have given us ten fingers.
44. We must have courage, faith, and lunch together sometime soon.
45. I have abandoned my search for truth, and am now looking for a good fantasy.
46. Living on earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the sun.
47. Your smile is one of the great sights of the world.
48. Life is an intolerable burden, which every living thing somehow manages to tolerate.
49. Words ought not to be trusted - you can never be sure if they mean what they say
50. Please remain calm - it's no use both of us being hysterical at the same time.
51. I want it clearly understood that I’m totally confused.
52. My sources are unreliable, but their information is fascinating
53. No man is an island, but some of us are long peninsulas.
54. In order to discover who you are, first learn who everybody else is - and you're what's left.
55. You are there, and I am here, so one of us is obviously in the wrong place.
56. What I like most about myself is that I’m so understanding when I do something wrong.
57. By doing just a little every day, I can gradually let the task completely overwhelm me.
58. Communication with the dead is only a little more difficult than communication with some of the living.
59. Our meetings are held to discuss many problems which would never arise if we held fewer meetings.
60. Things are gradually falling into place - on top of me.
61. My life is a performance for which I was never given any chance to rehearse.
62. We've been through so much together, and most of it was your fault.
63. Inside every older person there's a younger person wondering what happened.
64. Anybody who thinks I am strange ought to meet you.
65. Sometimes the best way to be useful is to get out of somebody's way.
66. Life is the only game in which the object of the game is to learn the rules.
67. Look what I’ve found! ... A moment to write to you.
68. I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.
69. Words are a wonderful form of communication, but they will never replace kisses and punches.
70. There's only one thing more beautiful than a beautiful dream, and that's a beautiful reality.
71. If you can't say exactly how much you love me, try to make a rough estimate.
72. Please ask your machine to get in touch with my machine.
73. My life is already complicated enough, without trying to introduce organization into it.
74. To be sure of winning, invent your own game, and never tell any other player the rules.
75. I too have known joy and sadness, and, on the whole, I prefer joy.
76. Most of my problems either have no answer, or else the answer is worse than the problem.
77. Slavery and torture were outlawed long ago, but, for some reason, marriage is still legal.
78. We couldn't have met in any previous life, because you are one experience I’d surely never forget.
79. If you postpone a pleasure long enough, it may melt, spoil, die, evaporate, or move away.
80. Let's make it definite: I’ll see you when I see you.
81. All I want is a warm bed and a kind word, and unlimited power.
82. Watch out! It's quite possible that some of my best mistakes haven't yet been made.
83. My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it's surprising how often they head in your direction.
84. My struggle to remain healthy is gradually killing me.
85. One thing travel teaches is why living at home is so popular.
86. Keep smiling! (but not so much that people begin to wonder if you are mentally unbalanced).
87. Children who are born into happy families grow up speaking love as their native language.
88. It's true I’m getting older, but there are still many good hugs left in me.
89. A good friend is worth pursuing - but why would a good friend be running away?
90. Ready - aim - spend!
91. Never fall in love with anybody you can't afford to lose.
92. Sometimes I make a mental note, but then forget where I put it.
93. No matter how many times I do my work, it never stays done for long.
94. Never resist a mad impulse to do something nice for me.
95. Think of me as someone who is very often thinking of you.
96. It's hopeless! Tomorrow there'll be even more books I should have read than there are today.
The longest distance in the world is always the one between you and me.
97. Just because I’m happy doesn't mean you couldn't make me happier.
98. Correct me if I’m wrong, at your own risk.
99. Doing it wrong fast is at least better than doing it wrong slowly.
100. I have you, you have me: at least one of us is lucky.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mission Impossible - NEP

He said there were still many objectives in the NEP which must be achieved before the 30% equity rule could be dropped.

I have total disagreement with what Dr M said. So what is the strategic plan to achieve what you want for NEP? Since 1957 till now, nothing much has changed. People don't change overnight, without motivation (pressure). There will not be changed. Come on be logic, if you are in comfort zone, why bother to change?

“If you lower the 30% to 20%, non-bumiputras will have 40% equity. In that case, they should have a lower equity too,” he said.

However, Dr Mahathir said that in protecting the rights of bumiputras, economic policies must also consider the rights of non-bumiputras.

Isn't this empty talk? Protect bumiputras but also consider rights of non-bumiputras. Dr M, I think there is a conflict of interest in what you said. I only see you protecting one side.

We have to look at both sides. Be rational about it. At the moment, I don’t agree we should change the (equity rule). It’s not the right time for adjustment because the world economy is in turmoil,” he said.

No I don't look at both sides. Btw since you were Finance Minister before, please explain to me why we cant change the equity rule during economy in turmoil? There is no relationship at all. Infact we should change it to ecourage better competition to do better, increase efficiency and attract foreign investors into our market.

New Terms For The 2008 Market

CEO --Chief Embezzlement Officer.

CFO-- Corporate Fraud Officer.

BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.

BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry.

VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower.

P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing.

BROKER -- What my broker has made me.

STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell.

STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock.

STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves.

FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected.

MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks.

CASH FLOW -- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.

YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.

WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share.

INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.

PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Look Out Point At Hulu Langat

I have always heard about this place at Hulu Langat which has a fantastic Kuala Lumpur view. Some said its at Ampang while others said its at Cheras. For me it seems more like nearer to Cheras, maybe because I exit from the Cheras (Pandan Indah) of MRR2.

Its not that difficult to go:-

1) Direct from MRR2 (if you come from Ampang, go towards the Cheras direction) and exit at the Pandan Indah Interchange Junction. Please take note its "after" the Pandan Indah flyover junction.

2) After turn left from MRR2, go all the way straight and pass by Steven Corner too. Along the way you will see the first Esso on your left. Before you reach Esso the road is a bit up hill and you have to turn right "immediately" at the Esso traffic light junction. We missed this junction at the first attempt. To be save you can keep to the right or U-turn if you missed the junction.

3) Go straight you will pass by a Mc Donald on your right. Go all the way straight and take note on your left there is a Putri Park Plaza. Turn left immediately after Putri Park Plaza. If you really miss this turning, you will see Petronas on your right.

4) After the Putri Park Plaza turning, go straight until the second traffic light and turn right at here.

5) Go all the way straight you will see the "Menara Tinjau (Look Out Point)" sign board. You need to drive about 3 km on a dark and winding road before you read the look out point. Although this road is dark, you will see many other cars along it. So you can rest assure that its pretty safe.

6) The Look Out Point is just on your right. You can decide to park road side (free) and wait up. I haven't try this before but I believe its a decent 15minutes walk to the restaurant. However if you going there for a date, perhaps you shall drive up there by paying RM2 for the parking.


There are 3 restaurants there:

1) Look Out Point Restaurant

2) Gasoline

3) Bread And Olive Restaurant

I only manage to try Look Out Point Restaurant. Despite going on holiday season (which I will easily think most people are in home town instead of KL), its quite packed. I think the seats are abit too close to each other. However I guess everyone is just trying to get the best of view. Of course we got one of the best seats - the corner sits which has the best KL view. This restaurant opens in late morning until 1am (or 2am of many customers). To my suprise, the foods are quite reasonable. Chicken or lamp chop around RM13-RM20 only. Considering this type of environment, I would think the price is infact very affordable. For me, I ordered a giant size water melon juice. By the way the sizzing chicken chop that I ordered is quite nice too and infact most popular. This restaurant has the best view of all.

Under Look Out Point Restaurant is Gasoline. Gasoline is a franchise restaurant with other branches at Sungai Wang, Times Square and Sunway Plaza. They serve variesties of food ranging from Western, Chinese and Malay food. The food should be slightly cheaper than Look Out Point Restaurant. However the view is not as good. To be frank, I think gasoline tastes so so only.

Finally is Bread And Olive Restaurant. This restaurant is quite empty. View is also not as good that's why there are not many people there. From the setup I think the price will be slightly expensive.

I seriously recommend everyone to go this place. From view, weather and food, they are all fantastic.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Standard Chartered Bank Has No Standard (Part 2)

Today between 11am to 1130am, I got a very interesting call from Standard Chartered Bank. Few months back I had applied a KLIBOR mortgage product from Standard Chartered Bank and very dissatisfied with their service and product. Thus I wrote an article about my dissatisfaction. Today their manager (I can't remember from what department) called me and below are partial of our conservation which I find it very unpleasent:-

In order to protect the name of the manager, I used Ms T as the manager's name.

Ms T: You are not satisfied with our rate, service or time taken to process your application?
Me: I’m not satisfied with everything that you have mentioned.

My thoughts:-
If she really keen and sincere to solve this problem, she won’t ask this question at the first place. The issue that I dissatisfied is stated clearly in my previous post. This shows that she has no courtesy to understand my problem before calling me. Perhaps she might call me with anger and frustration.

Me: I think your bank takes too long to process my application. I can’t remember correct its either 3 months or 1 month to process it, whatever is that it is still very long to process….. (Without waiting for me to finish my sentence)
Ms T: Please be careful with what you write (or say), your application only took 1 month to process. Not 3 months.

My thoughts:-
Her intonation is like trying to threaten me. Stressing that the application “only” took 1 month doesn’t highlight the service efficiency.

Ms T: Didn’t the agent tell you that the mortgage rate (for the KLIBOR product) might not be KLIBOR + 1% ?
Me: Nope, the agent agree in principle that the rate will be KLIBOR + 1%
Ms T: ~!#$%^&*()_+ our bank structure is bla bla bla…. this agent is not our bank staff, they have given you wrong information.

My thoughts:-
How can a bank authorize agents to sell for them and trying to position that they are not responsible for the misleading information given?

Ms T: Can you remove the article from your website?
Me: No, but I might update what happened today (I’m referring to this conversation)
Ms T: Then please update in your website (that we called)

My thoughts:-
She did apologise a bit here and these however the whole conversation is basically with the motive to convince me that they are not all wrong and only want me to remove the article. Also indirectly pressure me to write something good about them

If she calls again, I will forward my complain to other departments in SCB that she’s trying to harass me.