He said there were still many objectives in the NEP which must be achieved before the 30% equity rule could be dropped.
I have total disagreement with what Dr M said. So what is the strategic plan to achieve what you want for NEP? Since 1957 till now, nothing much has changed. People don't change overnight, without motivation (pressure). There will not be changed. Come on be logic, if you are in comfort zone, why bother to change?
“If you lower the 30% to 20%, non-bumiputras will have 40% equity. In that case, they should have a lower equity too,” he said.
However, Dr Mahathir said that in protecting the rights of bumiputras, economic policies must also consider the rights of non-bumiputras.
Isn't this empty talk? Protect bumiputras but also consider rights of non-bumiputras. Dr M, I think there is a conflict of interest in what you said. I only see you protecting one side.
We have to look at both sides. Be rational about it. At the moment, I don’t agree we should change the (equity rule). It’s not the right time for adjustment because the world economy is in turmoil,” he said.
No I don't look at both sides. Btw since you were Finance Minister before, please explain to me why we cant change the equity rule during economy in turmoil? There is no relationship at all. Infact we should change it to ecourage better competition to do better, increase efficiency and attract foreign investors into our market.