Friday, November 27, 2009

How To Walk On Water

This past Sunday I was relaxing at the water’s edge of a local beach when a young boy ran full speed right by me and into the shallow surf. He continuously hopped up and down as he was running forward, kicking his little legs in the air and across the surface of the water before inevitably falling face-first into the waves. He got back up and repeated this act several times, each time with more determination than the previous attempt. It became obvious that he was trying to run across the surface of the water. I couldn’t help but to laugh. His combined levels of determination and exertion were priceless.

After several attempts, he noticed my laughter and walked over to me. “What’s so funny?” he asked.

“You remind me of me, and it makes me smile.” I said.

“Do you know how to walk on water?” he asked. “Like a superhero?”

“Well, I think I can help you out.” I said. “Let me give you a few pointers.”

Curious, the boy sat down on the sand next to me. His mother scurried over, worried… but I reassured her that her son wasn’t bothering me. Relieved, perhaps, to have her son sitting safely on the sand instead of flying face-first through the air, she went back to her beach chair 20 feet away and continued a conversation with another lady.

“So, you want to walk on water, eh?” I asked. He nodded his head anxiously.

A Rough Summary of What I Told Him

  1. Make sure you were born to walk on water. – You must follow your heart, and be who you were born to be. Some of us were born to be musicians… to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar. Some of us were born to be poets… to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose. Some of us were born to be entrepreneurs… to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. And still, some of us were born to walk on water… to invent the capability of doing so. If you’re going to walk on water, you better feel it in every fiber of your being. You better be born to do it!
  2. Decide that nothing can stop you. – Being born to walk on water isn’t enough by itself. We must each decide to accept our calling. Unfortunately, most of us make excuses instead. “But I might drown trying,” we say. Or, “But I have a family to think about first.” Walking on water, or doing anything that hasn’t been done before, requires absolute, unconditional dedication. The only person who can control your level of dedication is you. If you’re serious about walking on water, you must decide that nothing… not gravity, not a group of naysayers, NOTHING… can stop you!
  3. Work on it for real. – While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer our calling… to accomplish our own version of walking on water, only an astute few of us actually work on it. By “working on it”, I mean truly devoting oneself to the end result. The rest of us never act on our decision. Or, at best, we pretend to act on it by putting forth an uninspired, half-ass effort. But to truly walk on water, you’ll have to study physics, rheology, hydrophobic substances, etc… and then you’ll have to define and redefine next-generation theories and complex hypotheses, which must be tested relentlessly. When the tests fail, you must be ready to edit your theories and test them again. This kind of work, the real kind, is precisely what enables us to make the impossible possible.
  4. Let the whole world know what you’re up to. – When you’re trying to walk on water, or do anything that nobody else has done before, life can get lonely pretty quickly. To keep your motivation thriving, it’s important to let others know that you’re attempting to defeat the formerly impossible. Don’t be shy! Let the whole world know that you’re trying to walk on water. No doubt, it’ll place a bit of extra pressure on your back, and you’ll almost certainly hear some laughter in the crowd. But this kind of pressure fuels motivation, which is exactly what you’ll need to accomplish such a colossal undertaking. And when you finally do succeed, the last bit of laughter heard will be your own.
  5. Value the people who value your ambitions. – When most people hear about your “mission impossible” aspirations, their natural reaction may be to roll their eyes, call you crazy, and tell you to quit being foolish. But fortunately, the world is also inhabited by pioneers and believers who see the value in your dreams. These people understand that achieving the formerly impossible is one of the greatest gifts human beings possess. They’ll likely give you tips, bits of assistance, and the extra push you need to succeed. These are extraordinary people, and you’ll want to surround yourself with them, because they will ultimately assist you over the hurdles and across the surface of the water. Think of them as an influential, personal support team. Without them, walking on water will be a far more difficult feat, if not completely impossible.
  6. Ignore the negative naysayers. – No matter how much progress you make, there will always be the people who insist that walking on water is impossible, simply because it hasn’t been done before. Or they may incessantly suggest that the idea as a whole is utterly ridiculous because nobody really cares about walking on water anyways. When you come across these people, don’t try to reason with them. Instead, forget that they exist. They will only waste your time and energy.
  7. Prepare yourself for the pain. – Even though you’re no longer mindlessly running face-first into the oncoming ocean surf, but instead forming complex theories based on the studies of rheology and fluid viscosity, it doesn’t mean you won’t experience your fair share of pain. You’re in the business of walking on water, of doing something that has never been done before. You’ll likely get a waterlogged, lungful of water on a regular basis. But the pain will seem like a small price to pay when you become the first person to jog across the rapids of the Mississippi.
  8. Enjoy the pain of your greatest challenge. - Superheroes aren’t real. In real life nobody has ever walked on water. But lots of people have achieved formerly impossible feats, and continue to enjoy the possibilities of new challenges. These people will all tell you there’s nothing more gratifying than the thrill of your greatest challenge. The inherent pains along the way are simply mile markers on your trip to the finish line. When you finally do finish, you may actually find yourself missing the daily grind. Ultimately, you’ll realize that pleasure and pain can be one and the same.
  9. Never give up! Never quit! – The reason nobody has walked on water isn’t because people haven’t tried. Remember, you just tried several times in a row, and I’m sure many others have too. The reason nobody has succeeded is, simply, that within the scope of modern science and physics, it’s currently impossible. But this doesn’t mean that with your help it won’t become possible in the future. If you were born to do it and truly dedicate yourself to the end result, anything, including walking on water, is entirely possible!

Just a Chance

When we were done talking, the young boy got up and ran back over to his mother. He pointed over to me and I smiled and waved back. Then he said to her, “Mommy, mommy! That guy just taught me how to walk on water!”

A few moments later she walked over to scold me for supposedly giving out reckless advice. She told me I was giving her son a false sense of hope. I told her all I was giving him was a chance.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Betting On The Market?

"To demonstrate the strong conviction underlying its research view on the Singapore market, will donate S$50,000 to a local charity if the FTSE Straits Times Index (STI) does not hit the forecast level of 3,600 points at any time from today till the end of 2011."

What I have to say?

I truly confident that market will continue to appreciate for the next 2 to 3 years. Not just saying it but I'm betting most of my money in the market at the moment. I even go to the extend of leveraging (borrowing) to invest. I take full responsibility in what i say because i bet my own money into the market. Which i'm exposed to potential downside of losing almost all of my monies. However betting S$50,000 is nothing, considering the limited downside and unlimited upside from the potential up front commission and trailer comission to be collected by FSM.

The main thing is not about S$50,000 or giving it to the charity. What i wish to highlight is that, don't blindly buy things that you are recommended for. Because eventually no one will be able to guarantee anything (beside goverment bonds). This is because, eventually you are bound by the clause "we are not responsible for any lose caused by our recommendation".

Take note that from current STI level of about 2600 to 3600 by end of 2011 is a appreciation of about 20%pa. There is none "guaranteed" return that can give so much. Therefore, do your homework and research before buying any investment. Don't put your whole life of savings into this betting and risk of losing millions of dollars.

Attached below is the SM's recommended portfolio which are launched since year 2002. Until now, these portfolio's would have celebrated their 7th anniversary. Below are the performance of the recommended portfolios by FSM. Incase you don't know what is IRR, it means "internal rate of return".

For example, if you would have follow the recommended portfolio's aggressive portfolio since launch till now, your portfolio return will be 0.6% per annum for the past 7 years. This is clearly not impressive.

Where Are the Customers' Yachts -

"A visitor to New York who admired the yachts of the bankers and brokers. Naively, he asked where all the customers' yachts were? Of course, none of the customers could afford yachts, even though they dutifully followed the advice of their bankers and brokers. Full of wise contrarian advice and offering a true look at the world of investing, in which brokers get rich while their customers go broke, this book continues to open the eyes of investors to the reality of Wall Street."

Saturday, August 1, 2009


KUALA LUMPUR: Some 50,000 first-year students of local public institutions of higher learning will get 100 units of the newly-laun-ched Amanah Saham 1Malaysia.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced the incentive at the launch of the new trust fund, which has 10 billion units, with each unit going for RM1.

Amanah Saham 1Malaysia is the biggest trust fund in the country, and will go on sale from Aug 5.

“As a special consideration, the Government has agreed that every student who enrols in a public institution of higher learning, who are in their first year this year, will receive 100 units of Amanah Saham 1Malaysia for free,” he said.

The students eligible are those who recently enrolled for their first degree in the mid-year intake.

“As they represent the country’s future, we want to see the young generation obtain education, at least up to a degree, so that they become citizens who are visionary and progressive,” Najib said.

The free units for the students, which total around RM5mil, were contributed by Permodalan Nasio-nal Berhad (PNB) and Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB) agents – Malayan Banking Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, RHB Bank Berhad and Pos Malaysia Berhad.

To ensure that the units are fairly distributed, Najib said that for the first 30 days of sale (Aug 5 to Sept 3), 50% of the units have been allocated to bumiputras, 30% to the Chinese, 15% to the Indians and 5% to other races.

In the 30-day period, the maximum investment for an investor below 55 will be 50,000 units, while investors above 55 can purchase a maximum of 100,000 units.

After the period, the cap on purchase on unsold units will be lifted, and sale will be open to all Malay-sians above 18.

Najib said he was confident the units would be snapped up fast, citing the Amanah Saham Malaysia, which sold out within 45 minutes after its opening in 2006.

“With a fund size of 10 billion, Amanah Saham 1Malaysia will be able to boost the equity market and act as a catalyst to the country’s economy,” he said.

Investors can buy the units at ASNB offices and post offices from 8am to 5pm from Aug 5, and at Maybank, CIMB Bank and RHB Bank during the banks’ operating hours.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Claustrophobia (Cantonese) - Worst Movie I Ever Watched

Director: Ivy Ho
Starring: Ekin Cheng, Karena Lam, Andy Hui, Eric Tsang
Genre: Romance / Drama

Love is a virus. It incubates silently. It strikes suddenly. Its favorite breeding ground is small, crowded, claustrophobic spaces such as an office. Pearl, a marketing executive in her twenties...

It has been a long time I have not watch any new movie by Ekin Cheng. Infact I quite like his movies. Secondly is Karena Lam, I remember I watched a movie by her with Jacky Cheung (July Rapshody) which I liked a lot too. Since there are also other big cast such as Eric Tsang and Andy Hui in the movie, therefore I decided to give this movie a go.

When I was at the ticketing counter, I was quite surprise that there are more than 50% seats available for this movie despite this is a new movie. And the cinema hall used for this movie is very small. I didn't suspect much just thinking that maybe Wolverine, Fast and Furious 4, Sniper, Mall Cop and others beat this movie.

Finally is the movie begins.... with a boring starting about 5 colleagues talking in the car.... for about 15mins... Then the scene turn back to "1 week ago" .... go see doc... Then the scene turn back to "1 month ago".... talk talk chat chat drive car... Then the scene turn back to "2 months ago" talk talk chat chat drive car... and this continues for "3 months ago, 4 months ago, 5 months ago, 6 months ago, 1 year ago" where mostly are talk, chats, driving scenes. The talk and chats talks about a lot of things which are not related to their relationship (Between Ekin and Karena.... if there is even any relationship).

I tried to be very focus in this movie. I really don't want to waste my time and money because I believe every movie exist for a reason. Suddenly .... THE END... HUH??? I really don't understand what happened. There is no story line and the message tried to send out is not clear. Even for a moment I thought this is a ghost story... or maybe story related to recession... The movie description says that this is a love story... interestingly its the only love movie that I have seen which has no kissing or hugging scene...... actually don't even have holding hand scenes... just a bit of cries here and there.

I'm so dissappointed with this movie. I hope the cinema can ban this movie.... I consider this movie belongs to the trash bin.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Technique Used By Multi Level Marketing (MLM)

Technique used by MLM

1) Make it a success secret.
- Only if you are very keen, else I won't share with you. Create a sense of opportunity which is not shared with anyone whom are not potential. In reality, they will share with any kucing kurap. Even if you say you are not keen, they will keen contacting you.

2) A CEO or professor or a big business man are also involved in this business
- If they are in the business, then you should do it too. You will be positioned as peanut or small potato. Even CEO is doing it, why not you?

3) Come my house for a party, Christmas Celebration, New Year Celebration or pot luck party.
- encourage you to bring as many new friends as possible. Which eventually your friends will be the target for their next prospect

4) Join us for outings, travel, movie, sports, learn facial treatment, learn business, learn about success, learn about life, do charity etc
- Bring as many new friends as possible. Eventually your friends will be their next target prospects.

5) 5,000 people quit their job and benefited from this business
- however failed to point out that 1,000,000 people failed to continue. End up losing money and wasting their time and effort.

6) Don't listen to "dream killers" whom discourage you to do this business
- This is a pre-attack defensive move. Some kind of immunation system injected into yourself. This is because there are high rejection on such plan in the society, thus you will be pre-brain washed that "dream killers" will stop you, thus don't listen to them.

7) Initial start up capital is very small. Just RM 150 to be member and you can start to own your business
- However eventuall you will realise that you need to pay for using the training materials, there are express success lane if you pay a hefty amount of money to buy stocks which will "promote" you to the "manager/gold/diamon/sphere and other crappy levels".

8) You have freedom to use your time. Spend more time with family and do things you like
- However most of the time you are actually working. Everyone you meet day and night, your mind is thinking about sharing your business plan ie you are actually working most of the time.

9) Show off their success... park luxury cars in front of the seminar hall, wear blazer and constantly conduct award ceremony
- However most cars are on installment basis which are used to create the sense of success to other sides. Some of these luxury cars even installed NGV thanks.
- Dress smart and dress up to show the look of success.....
- Award ceremony if you buy or use or sell RM X amount of product. Basically is a "self paid" success ceremony.

10) Your children can inherit your "business"
- Term and condition apply. Your children need to achieve RM X amount of personal sales and group level of RM X amount of total sales in order to continue enjoying the passive income. Pre-attack strategy, don't worry when the business is so successful, he can even use his personal money to buy those products and get back his own commission. Finally end up the whole house with lots of unused products

11) Our products are high quality. Value for use
- Failed to point out lack of choices and varieties comparing to hypermarket.

12) You will make money from using your own product
- But the products are more expensive then other product available by hypermarket (lets ignore the quality talk first). Therefore you are actually paying more and later get back the so call commission which is actually the premium price you have paid.

13) Our business is an efficient business that take product directly from the manufacturer. The money saved from multi distribution and promotion cost are paid back to you ask commission and "bonus"
- Its basically a decision made on the distribution channel. For some MLM its because of lack of distribution channel.

14) This system is very fair and everyone whom cn perform will be "promoted"
- Its a method to sell the feeling of success again. As many believes that in existing working environment, there is only one manager. If you want to be manager, you need to wait your manager to retire and also provided that you are a good ass kisser. Therefore why not involve in a business that allows you to promote any time.

15) You have nothing to lose, lets not talk now. Come to our seminar, we will share more with you
- When you go there, first of all will show the mercedes, then award ceremoney, sing song, introduce "success people" to you and finally a group of people will brain wash you.

16) This plan is not as simple as you thought, its a detailed plan which you must come to our seminar
- They will not disclose their company name, product name etc and insist you come to their seminar. This is because 1 to 1 is a very weak "closing sales" opportunity. Therefore when you are in their environment and surrounded by their people, their top sales will come and help to close sales. " Do you have IC with you? Or do you have RM50 now? " will be the last closing sales method.

17) I have business in Singapore, Vietnam, China, Indonesia etc
- In reality, they have downline in those country or their downline has downline in those country. That's all.

18) You are very potential, I want you to be my business partner / I have a friend from Australia, he's looking for a business partner like you.
- What they really mean is that I want you to be my downline and one of my upline's upline is from Australia. You will end up to be the Australian's down down down line.

Please don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-MLM person. Infact MLM system is indeed very efficient. Just that i'm not keen to sell tooth paste or fruit juice. I am not selling tooth paste? But selling a networking business? Its crap..... if you just sell membership and no product, you won't get a dime unless its "skim cepat kaya" which is technically illegal but position in other way such as "member get member" scheme etc.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Are You Still A Street Fighter?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nova Room's Drinking Corner

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cunning couples

Homophones, words that sound alike but convey different meanings, form many of these confusing pairs. Used wrongly in writing, they reflect someone with a poor grasp of grammar or a confused writer.

Be mindful of these cunning couples and be confused no more!

Accept (v.) — to agree to take something.
Except (prep.) — not including.
“Boss, I accept all your free books except ‘1,000 Ways to Manage Houseflies’,” said Pee Nang to Kay El.

Advice (n.) — one’s opinion about what somebody else should do or how they should behave.
Advise (v.) — to give advice to somebody or to recommend something to somebody.
“Are you sure, Pee Nang? I’d strongly advise you to reconsider the manual. You may regret not taking my advice if you’re suddenly faced with flies,” Kay El said.

Affect (v., pronounced uh-fekt) — to have influence on something or somebody.
Effect (n., pronounced ee-fekt) — a change produced by an action or a cause.
“Yes, I’m positive, Kay El,” Pee Nang answered. “If my mother’s way of handling house flies has affected them greatly by reducing them to zero, I don’t think I need to know the effect that 999 other ways have on them.”

All ready — completely prepared.
Already (adv.) — previously or by this time.
“Ahh ... looks like your house is all ready for living,” Kay El praised. “To tell you the truth, although I’ve already read the manual twice, I’m still having problems at my home!”

Beside (prep.) — at the side of somebody or something.
Besides (prep.) — in addition.
Pee Nang laughed. “I’ll be happy to tell my mother about your housefly problem. Since she lives beside my house, she could drop by your place later. Besides, she will be excited to have you try the apple pie she baked today.”

Complement (v.) — to add new or contrasting features which show the best qualities of something or which improve it.
Compliment (v.) — express praise, admiration or approval.
“That will be wonderful!” Kay El said. “I always forget to compliment your mother on her apple pie. It will be the perfect complement to the vanilla ice cream I’m having for dessert tonight.”

Dessert (n., pronounced dee-zert) — any sweet food eaten at the end of a meal.
Desert1 (n., pronounced deh-zert) — a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it, e.g. the Sahara Desert.
Desert2 (v., pronounced dee-zert) — to go away from a place without intending ever to return.
“Ice cream for dessert?” Pee Nang exclaimed. “Your place doesn’t exactly sound like the depressing desert1 you always portray it to be. You make it seem as if the whole world has deserted2 you!”

Maybe (adv.) — perhaps.
May be — to express possibility.
“Maybe I could have exaggerated my situation a bit. But seriously, I may be having a rather serious house fly problem,” Kay El explained in a doleful tone.

Breath (n., pronounced breh-th) — the air you take into and let out of your lungs.
Breathe (v., pronounced bree-th) — the act of taking air into and letting out of your lungs.
“Okay, take a deep breath,” Pee Nang assured Kay El with a smile. “I may have been too hard on you. Once my mother works her magic at your place, I’m sure you’ll breathe easier after that.”

Coincident (adj.) — happening in the same place or at the same time.
Coincidence (n.) — similar event happening at the same time by chance.
“Talking about breathing, isn’t it a coincidence that the houseflies started appearing the day after you came over with those pungent prawn crackers?” Kay El remarked. “I remember reading that the presence of house flies is coincident with the presence of dried seafood.”

Loose (adj.) — not tight.
Lose (v.) — present tense for “lost”.
“Now, now, Kay El, let’s not lose track of the discussion here,” Pee Nang said hurriedly. “We were talking about fixing your house fly problem.”
In an undertone, he muttered, “And not about a loose pack of prawn crackers disappearing in your home ...”

Later (adv.) — afterwards.
Latter (adj.) — the second of two things or people already mentioned.
“You were going to confirm the time my mother could drop by later. Now you’re going back to a visit I made in the past,” Pee Nang reminded Kay El. “Let’s not confuse the former with the latter, shall we?”

Personal (adj., pronounced as per-suh-nuhl) — private.
Personnel (n., pronounced as per-suh-nell) — staff members
“Anyway, let’s not take things personally,” Pee Nang said cheerily. “By the way, the Personnel Department is questioning me about being away from the office for three hours yesterday.”

Principal (n.) — administrator.
Principle (n.) — guiding rule for personal behaviour.
“I’m sure you were on company business. I know you to be a man of principle,” Kay El said. “The head of the Personnel Department is always acting like a school principal.”

Quiet (adj., pronounced kwai-yuht) — silent.
Quite (adv. Pronounced kwait) — very or actually.
“You are quite right I am!” Pee Nang replied emphatically. “Now that we are all settled, I’ll just slip away quietly.”

Than (conj.) — used after a comparative like “faster”, “cleaner”, “healthier”, etc.
Then (adv.) — referring to a time in the past or future.
Waving goodbye, Pee Nang called out, “I’ll see you later then!”
As Kay El waved in return, he wondered if managing his house fly problem would be easier than managing his young employee.

I found above article useful as myself also sometimes confuse with a few words give above. Therefore decided to save it in my blog. The original article is taken from

Monday, February 2, 2009

Open Burning At a Crematorium In Bandar Baru Sentul

I had moved to Melur Apartment at Bandar Baru Sentul for almost 5 months by now. Something that I realise is that this place gets dusty than my old place dispite we are living at the top floor (level 24). Infact I remember my housemate also made the same comment.

Opposite our apartment are some old Hindu Temples. They have been there since I moved in and some even said since 100 years ago. Today I found out something shocking...! As today is the replacement holiday for Federal Territory, I am on leave thus leaving my home at about 4pm. When I am on the way to take my car which is park outside due to limited car park, I see many people gathering at a site near the Hindu Temple. I suspect something is wrong because I can see from the faces of everyone of sorrow and downs. Then i asked around, they said " bakar orang mati " :-S

I went online to do some research about this issue. This issue has been highlighted to the government since early of 2008. Authorities, politicians and NGOs have visited the site many times and many broken promises have been made to build proper facilities to cover the crematorium site. Currently the buring is done "openly". In another way means that burning of corpses is NOT shelthered from public view.

According to other residents of Pangsapuri Melor. Smoke and dust get into there apartment whenever a body is cremated.

From now on, I will listen to my housemates' advice:- "close the lobby door (and other doors) when we are not at home". Now i know where the dust comes from :-S

Retrenchment in Citibank (Malaysia) Thus Have Worse Service

Malaysia has a different proposition in the sense that all foreign banks have to be incorporated in Malaysia (not a direct subsidiary from its mother bank in oversea). However this doesn't shelther Citibank from its mother bank's losses from subprime crisis in US.
Citibank has been doing well infact better from other local banks in Malaysia. However from this crisis, its among the foreign banks which is experiencing retrenchment. I am one big fan of Citibank's credit card. However recently i realise that the customer service level has worsen by large.
There are some hickups in delivering the replacement credit card to me as there is matter of old address etc. However there is no effort to continue verifying this matter despite after my complaints. Finally i end up not having any credit card to use after the expiry of my Citibank credit card. Such case is the first time happening to me despite myself owning credit cards from all major banks in Malaysia.
Secondly, since the credit card is "reissued", my e-banking account is automatically terminated without any notification. This is because the new card has a new credit card number. I am again surprise how come no one notify me about this matter? I appreciate if the customer service officer will notify me when they called me to inform me that i'll be getting a card with different credit card number.
Finally, I sent an email enquire about their credit card promotion. By now it has been more than 20 days since they last reply to me that they are looking into this matter. Its dissapointing that they are not able to revert by now.
During bad market, there are such company that willing to forgo "less profitable customer" in order to maximise the profit margin with the current work force that they have. Perhaps i fall into such category? I'm wondering if Platinum card holder from this bank also face the same problem as me?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Differences Between You And Your Boss

If you take a long time, you're slow.
BUT if your boss takes a long time, he's thorough.

If you don't do it, you're lazy.
BUT if your boss doesn't do it, he's too busy.

If you make a mistake, you're an idiot.
BUT if your boss makes a mistake, he's "only human".

If you're on a day off sick, you're "always" sick.
BUT if your boss is a day off sick, he must be very ill.

If you take a stand, you're being bull-headed.
BUT if your boss does it, he's being firm.

If you overlooked a rule of etiquette, you're being rude.
BUT if your boss skips a few rules, he's being original.

If you please your boss, you're a boot-licker.
BUT if your boss pleases his boss, he's being cooperative.

If you do something without being told, you're overstepping your authority.
BUT if your boss does the same thing, that's initiative.

If you're out of the office, you're wandering around.
BUT if your boss is out of the office, he's away for important meetings.

If you ask to leave early, you must be going for an interview.
BUT if your boss takes the afternoon off, it's because he's overworked.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Subprime Mortgage Explained In Simple Term

One day, a plain-looking man came with a pretty-looking OL (Office Lady) to the LV store in Causeway Bay (Hong Kong Island). He chose an LV bag worth HKD 65,000 for the OL. When it came time to pay, the man took out a checkbook and wrote out a check. The salesperson was hesitant because the couple hadn't shopped there before.

The man discerned what the salesperson was thinking and he said calmly: "I sense that you are concerned that this check may bounce, right? Today is Saturday and the banks are closed. Let me suggest that I leave the check and the handbag here. When the check clears on Monday, you can deliver the handbag to this lady. How about that? The salesperson was reassured and gladly accepted the suggestion. In addition, he waived the delivery charges. He promised that he would personally make sure that this gets done.

On Monday, the salesperson took the check to the bank. The check bounced! The irate salesperson called up the client, who told him: "What is the big deal? Neither you nor I have suffered any loss. Last Saturday night, I went to bed with that girl already! Oh, by the way, I thank you for your cooperation."

This story reveals the nature of the sub-prime mortgage crisis. When people have high hopes for huge future returns, they lower their guard about the potential risks. This pretty girl thought that the HKD 65,000 LV bag was going to come home on Monday, and so she lowered her guard. Therefore, she believed that her investment in the ONS (=one night stand) was worth it even though it was based upon huge and highly uncertain risks.

Investment companies are great with packaging high return (but high risk) deals. The stock speculators are like this pretty woman. Without them, how are people going to make money from the stock market? As for the media and the stock analysts, they often play the role of the LV salesperson.

Days To Start Work In 2009

I always get this thing every year before CNY. Well I won't say that I strongly believes it. However the "recommended" day to start works usually same with my expected day. Therefore "strengthen" the reasons why I need to take extra leave in order to start working on the "good" day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Calvin and Hobbes

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jalan Bukit Bintang On 2008/2009 New Year Celebration

I just find this picture interesting. I pass by this place at least 3 times a week. I almost cant recognise it if not because of McDonald and Giordano. People are all over the street like ants. I have always wanted to try celebrating new year at Jalan Bukit Bintang, however all my friends whom has been there before, they will say " please don't go, you will regret ". According to them its too crowded as you won't be able to even get a place to stand still. After looking at below's picture, I really understand what they mean. Anyway.... i might still try it sometime... no regret! At least you have done it before!